Perfect is defined "as good as it is possible to be", meaning it has no flaws, no faults or no defects. So what does the perfect figure look like? Who can be defined as the perfect woman? The answers to these questions are simply unknown. If we were to ask every single person in the UK these same questions, we would get a whole load of different replies.
The point I'm trying to make here is that everyone will have a different opinion on their "perfect". People will find faults in the things you like, they will have a different opinion on what you believe, but it doesn't mean they are right and you are wrong. Opinions are not necessarily facts.
This is why it bothers me when I hear people say "she's too big, she's too chunky, she's too muscly, she's too skinny". These are people's opinions (opinions that sometimes should be kept to themselves). One thing we must all realise is that our opinion doesn't make someone else's wrong. This is the beauty of life, we are all different, we have different beliefs and we have different views.
"Don't let the noise of others opinions drown out your own inner voice"
We often see pictures in magazines and think, "wow, they are perfect". But I bet you, if you were to ask these people if they believed they were perfect, more people would say no. Why? Because we all have the urge to do better, we strive for perfection and we always want more. This isn't necessarily a bad thing until it affects your mood (but we shall touch on this later).
"You will never look like the girl in the magazine. The girl in the magazine doesn't look like the girl in the magazine"
The first time I saw this quote was on twitter and I loved it, instantly. It holds much truth and it's something we all need to take into account. Sure these people look flawless but lucky for them, there was a computer editing out any "flaws" they may have had.
Before you think I'm being negative, I want you to watch the following video (for those viewing on their phones you can find the video here );
So if even the top models have to alter the way their look, does that mean they are not perfect and that it does not exist? If these people aren't happy, how will we ever be perfect?
Now here comes my opinion... I believe perfection does exist!
I can hear some of you now asking, "so who's perfect?". If you're expecting me to write a whole list of women I find attractive, I'm afraid I'm going to have to disappoint you. My perfect doesn't have a certain look, it doesn't have a certain shape, it certainly doesn't have a certain weight and it doesn't have a certain size. My view on perfect, is a perfect we all need to aim towards!
I believe being perfect is when you can wake up every single morning, look in the mirror and be truly happy with what you see. It's when you can live your life truly satisfied with how good you feel. Now this, this is perfection!
It matters not what he thinks, it matters not what she thinks, all that matters is what you think. Aim to live life healthy, happy and full of confidence and you, yes you, will be perfect!
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
**I love to hear your responses, so either send me a tweet or comment and let me know what you think!
Hadee x
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