Thursday, 19 February 2015

Does size matter?

This is a question I see popping up all too often now, so today I'm going to give my view on the matter. This is just my opinion, so some of you will agree and some will disagree. Regardless of your opinion, I'd love to hear it, so log into twitter send me a tweet.

Now the debate is that promoting those who are plus size are accepting obesity and saying it's ok to be unhealthy. The problem with this is that we are assuming those who are overweight lead unhealthy lifestyles. This is not always the case, I know some very slim people who drink, smoke and never exercise and on the opposite end of the scale, I know some larger people who don't drink, never smoke and live active lifestyle. It's unfair to generalise people, we as individuals are unique. 

The point I'm trying to make is regardless of your weight and size, its your actions/lifestyle choices that matter most and people shouldn't judge you based solely on appearance. 

If you are "plus size", it is wrong to go around slating all females who "don't have curves", it is wrong to go around saying "real men don't go for bones", it is wrong to go around saying "I don't care about what I eat, life is more than being healthy". This is all wrong. Promoting "plus size", you are not.

If you are slim, it is wrong to go around laughing at those who are overweight, it is wrong to go around judging those who are overweight and it is wrong to go around saying "I am slim, it doesn't matter what I eat". This too, is all wrong. Promoting "a healthy lifestyle", you are not.

Every single person, no matter their size, deserves to love the body they have. They should feel comfortable in their own skin and should be able to live life confident KNOWING THEY HAVE GOOD HEALTH.

And this is what it all boils down to, GOOD HEALTH. I don't care if you're 8 stone or 18 stone, if you are trying to eat healthy, exercising and making your health a priority, no-one can judge you. We all start at different stages on the quest for good health/a good figure, so brushing all people with the same brush is wrong. Like I said before, people's actions matter more than just the way they look.

No matter your size, overweight or under, if you are going around promoting an unhealthy lifestyle and slate those who try to live healthy, you will forever be in the wrong. Who am I to say that? Let me tell you. I'm someone who cares that obesity related illnesses cost the NHS huge amounts of money and that child obesity rates are rising. I'm someone who works with people who have been bullied for being underweight/overweight. I'm someone who cares that obesity related illnesses are KILLING people, but WHY do I care? Because obesity (in most cases) is PREVENTABLE!

Now I'm forever saying this, but as a collective we should be promoting good health so that children grow up WANTING to become healthy and stay active. We shouldn't be shaming those who don't have the "perfect" figure, we should be offering support whilst encouraging and empowering them.

Hope you liked this short post!

What topic would you like me to touch on next? Send me a message...

Hadee x

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