Thursday 1 August 2013

Where there is a will, there is a way!

Every single night I make sure I spend at least 10 minutes before I sleep to lay down and REFLECT. What do I mean by reflect? Well I lay there and think of three things I have done today, that I didn't do yesterday. Why? Because I believe this will help me progress in life and keep me motivated to go on to achieve all I've ever wanted and more.

Each day is an opportunity to make today, a better day than yesterday!

This leads me nicely onto the point of this post, "Where there's a will, there is a way!". Today I happened to come across an article on Katie Piper. The moment I read this article I thought, "I need to write about this! This woman is amazing. Such an inspiration!". For those that don't know her story, Katie Piper was viciously attacked back in 2008. I won't go into too much detail, but sulphuric acid was thrown at her face in an attack set up by an ex boyfriend. She suffered SEVERE burns. This story angered me, and I found myself cursing the ex boyfriend many times while reading the article. But towards the end of the article I saw how well Katie is doing, not to forget how AMAZING she looks, and I think I speak on her behalf when I say, her success is the strongest form of revenge ever. This person planned on ruining her looks, her career, her mindset and hoped she would just give up. Did this person succeed, just have a look at this....

Successful, beautiful and most importantly smiling! She gives back and inspires through her amazing charity . I think Katie wins one, don't you!?

“Even when you think things can never move forward and you feel so low, there's always a way out.” - Katie Piper

Now this relates to you (believe it or not). This is a perfect example of "when there's will, there is a way". No matter how low you may feel, no matter what you may be going through, there is light at the end of the tunnel so long as you get up, lift your head up and start moving forward! What fuels you to move forward? A will! What's your why? Why do you want this? Are you going to let anything stop you? 

Always remember, a tunnel doesn't last forever and you don't have to stay in it! Sure it gets dark, sure it may be a bit scary, but as long as you just keep moving on forward you reach what?... THE OTHER SIDE! What's on the other side? A stronger, more successful, more powerful you!

“Stop asking yourself 'why has this happened' and instead ask 'how can i recover?”  - Katie Piper

Now it's all up to you! Will you spend your days sitting back WISHING this didn't happen or that didn't happen? Or are you going to spend it on your feet, head up high, moving forward and MAKING your rest of your life, the best of your life! 

To conclude I want you to always remember, rough patches, bad times, these are all temporary and they will not last forever. You have the power to change your life for the better but no-one else can make that first step for you. It's up to you, the sooner you say I CAN... YOU WILL! 

Now I'll leave you with this quote;

"The PAST is where you learn the lesson. The FUTURE is where you apply the lesson. Don't give up in the middle!"

Hadee x

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